Publications and Preprints
View my Google Scholar Page
- Schmidt, D.R., Lemmon, B., and Hurtado, P.J. Contagion dynamics on adaptive networks: Norovirus as a case study. (In Preparation)
- Schmidt, D.R. (2025) Stochastic models in biology. In Association for Women in Mathematics Book Series: Research Connections - Career and Research Journeys from the
SMP Community. Ed, A. Brisbin, K. Lange, E. McNicholas. Springer, p.167-195. (Invited book chapter, Accepted 9/2023, In Press)
- Samberg, A.J. and Schmidt, D.R. (2024) An integrate-and-fire mathematical model of sleep-wake neuronal networks in the developing mammal. PLoS One 19(10): e0307851.
(Accepted 7/2024) [doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0307851]
- Freed, J. and Schmidt, D.R. (2023). Using Markov chains to outline probability of alcohol dependence in alcoholics. Nevada State Undergraduate Research Journal 8(1): 85-105.
(Accepted 12/22)
- Camacho, E.T., Dobreva, A., Larripa, K., Radulescu, A., Schmidt, D.R., and Trejo, I. (2022). Insights into pathological mechanisms and interventions revealed by
analyzing a mathematical model for cone metabolism. Bioscience Reports 42 (3): BSR20212457. (Accepted 2/22)
- Sheets, C., Schmidt, D.R., Hurtado, P.J., Byrne, A.Q., Rosenblum, E.B., Richards-Zawacki, C.L., and Voyles, J. (2021) Thermal Performance Curves of Multiple Isolates of
Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, a Lethal Pathogen of Amphibians. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 8: 687084. (Accepted 5/2021)
- Supplementary Material written by Schmidt and Hurtado, 30 pages.
- Olmez, F., Kramer, P.R., Fricks, J., Schmidt, D.R., and Best, J. (2021). Penalized KS method to fit data sets with power law distribution over a bounded subinterval.
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 91: 8, 1524-1563. (Accepted 12/2020, Published Online 1/2021)
- Camacho, E., Dobreva, A., Larripa, K., Radulescu, A., Schmidt, D., and Trejo, I. (2021) (Alphabetical, equal authorship). Mathematical modeling of retinal degeneration:
Aerobic glycolysis in a single cone. In Association for Women in Mathematics Series: Using Mathematics to Understand Biological Complexity -
From Cells to Populations. Ed, R. Segal, B. Shtylla, and S. Sindi. Springer, p.135-178. (Accepted 7/2020, Published Online 12/2020)
- Schmidt, D.R. (2020) Network structure and dynamics of biological systems. In Foundations for Undergraduate Research in Mathematics:
An Introduction to Undergraduate Research in Computational and Mathematical Biology. Ed, H. Callender Highlander, A. Capaldi, C. Diaz Eaton. Springer, p.299-351.
(Accepted 7/2019, Published 2/2020) [Link]
- Clark, D.A., Odell, S.R., Armstrong, J.M., Turcotte, M., Kohler, D., Mathis, A., Schmidt, D.R., and Mathew,
D. (2018) Behavior responses to chemical stimuli in Drosophila larvae. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 12: 324. (Accepted 12/2018)
- Schmidt, D.R., Galan, R.F. and Thomas, P.J. (2018) Stochastic shielding and edge importance for Markov chains with timescale separation.
PLoS Computational Biology 14(6): e1006206. (Accepted 5/2018) [doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006206]
- Schmidt, D.R. (2018) Balancing an academic career in mathematics with motherhood and life's other passions. Journal of Humanistic Mathematics
8(2): 281-291. (Accepted 3/2018) [Link]
- Arnold, R.A. and Schmidt, D.R. (2017) Changes in the coefficients of Zipf's law for English corpora of different contexts.
Nevada State Undergraduate Research Journal 3(1): 14-25. (Accepted 4/2017) [PDF]
- Schmidt, D.R. and Thomas, P.J. (2014) Measuring edge importance: a quantitative analysis of the stochastic shielding approximation for random processes on graphs.
Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience 4(6):1-52.
[doi:10.1186/2190-8567-4-6] [arXiv PDF]
- Grima, R., Schmidt, D.R. and Newman, T.J. (2012) Steady-state fluctuations of a genetic feedback loop: an exact solution.
Journal of Chemical Physics 137: 035104. [doi:10.1063/1.4736721]
[arXiv PDF]
- Gay, V.L.*, Hemond, P.J.*, Schmidt, D.*, O'Boyle, M.P., Hemond, Z., Best, J., O'Farrell, L.* and Suter, K.J.* (2012) Hormone
secretion in transgenetic rats and electrophysiological activity in their gonadotropin releasing-hormone (GnRH) neurons.
American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism 303: E243-E252.
* These authors contributed equally
- Schmidt, D., Best, J. and Blumberg, M.S. (2011) Random graph and stochastic process contributions to network dynamics.
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Suppl 2011 2: 1279-1288. [PDF]
- Durrett, R., Schmidt, D. and Schweinsberg, J. (2009) A waiting time problem arising from the study of multi-stage
carcinogenesis. Annals of Applied Probability 19: 676-718. [PDF]
- Durrett, R. and Schmidt, D. (2009) Reply to Michael Behe. Genetics 181: 821-822. [doi:10.1534/genetics.109.100800]
- Durrett, R. and Schmidt, D. (2008) Waiting for two mutations: with applications to regulatory sequence evolution and the
limits of Darwinian evolution. Genetics 180: 1501-1509. [doi:10.1534/genetics.107.082610]
- Schmidt, D. (2007) A mathematical look at DNA regulatory sequence evolution. Ph.D. Thesis, Cornell
University. [PDF of abstract]
- Durrett, R. and Schmidt, D. (2007) Waiting for regulatory sequences to appear. Annals of Applied Probability 17: 1-32.
- Schmidt, D. and Durrett, R. (2004) Adaptive evolution drives the diversification of zinc-finger binding domains.
Molecular Biology and Evolution 21: 2326-2339.
- Schmidt, D., Hurtado, P.J., Jensen, S. and Sparacino, A. (2007) The evolution of the human ABO blood group system: a
mathematical model. (Preprint) [PDF of abstract]
- Schmidt, D. and Pool, J. (2002) The effect of population history on the distribution of the Tajima's D statistic.
(Preprint) [PDF] [Tables and Figures]
- IMA grad student workshop report (2004): Data to Knowledge in Pharmaceutical Research. [PDF]
- Mathematical and Theoretical Biology Institute (2000) Technical Report BU-1527-M: Predicting the consequences of large-scale
antibiotic misuse. [PDF]